Thursday, August 31, 2006

Side note

My sister Juanita was a petite gal all her life ( about 4' 10"), a real "looker" and somewhat of a "pistol" in her earlier years.

In the late 1940's (she was about 20 at the time), she was living in Dallas, Texas with her first husband and working as a waitress at a diner.

Every day this guy comes in and sits at the counter and only has coffee. Day after day and only coffee. He was there just to "check her out". He would accidentally let his arm rub against her as she reached over the counter to pour his coffee.

One day the counter was busy and he reached out and pinched her boob. She looked at him and asked, "Would you like to play with those?". Before he could answer, she reached in her blouse, pulled out her "falsie" and flopped it down on the counter next to his coffee. Juanita was so flat -chested that two fried eggs produced more cleavage.
She said for some reason the guy never came in the diner again.


Blogger Spider Girl said...

That's a great story! :)

1:48 PM  
Blogger dot said...

Oh my gosh! That is so funny. And that's what some men get for being boob men!

7:39 AM  

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